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Last year Of Sports day :(
Sunday, July 24, 2011 | 10:19 PM | 0 comments

Long jump-SILVER

the girl with the blue shirt (Aisyah) took away my meddle!

Look at the photo above.! Just bcoz of that papa yap, i got silver for long jump. i was act the first place but he pertikaikan. but i didn't act mind for that. i just let it be. haaa. i act joined the 4x400 but i tarik diri bcoz was afraid that i can't do it after running for 400metres just then. s0o, i gave it to Min to join the group. sorry guys. they said we can get first place if i joined it, but i don't want they to be dissapointed becoz of me. i was really2 tired at that time. i nearly fainted but i kuatkan diri. i got a chance to take the meddle for my own. HAHA. No matter what happens, i really2 enjoyed the day n i'll miss memorable day!

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