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Whats wrong wif you.?
Friday, September 11, 2009 | 2:48 PM | 0 comments
M: yes.!
A: xde pape..saje je..
M: ouh. bocan kea ape.?
A: xla..da ad tmn nk men msj..
M: ouh. k bye

dye ta balas mecet aku.

M: wey jap. aku na tnye skewt. kao da chargekn batery aku lowm.?
A: blom..
M: ouh. hurm. kao xya chargekn laa. mlash na nyusahkn owg.
esux kao dtg koko an? t kao kasi batery uh tat *****.
A: yela..mlm t aq chargekn..
M: tape ah. xya ah. kao pulangkn jea tat *****. aku da mlash ah.
A: yg ko nie npe.?! xreti sabo pe?
M: ape masalah neyh? ade aku pakse kao soyh chargekn kea.?
xde an.? aku ckap xpyah! tayah laa! kao uh yg ta phm bhase!
adoyai. aku lax yg kene. kao neyh mmg da b'ubah ah. !
A: ok..len kali xya bg lg btry uh kt aq!
M: da2. yg kao na angin npe.? camnewp upenye pangai kao ek?
tidakku sangke. hurm. thnx for everything A.
A: k2 sowei..aq bzy ckit la..2 yg xdpt chargekn..hmm,
isnin t aq bg ea..aq ikhlas..

i didn't reply his msg.

A: mrah ag ea?
M: hurm. aku ta mare langsong nan kao. hurm. aku mintax maap dri ujong wambot hingge ke ujong kuku kakiku. kalo ade wat sala or anything.
halalkn semuanya k.
A: ok..aq pown sme..k assalamualiakum..

now, his not yet the A that i juz noe a few mounth ago. his totally changed.
i dunno who changed him. i want the old A.!
his kind, caring n not hot temper lyke how he is now.
i mish the old A.! i mish you reallyrealy much!
i WANT the old A back as how i noe him before.! :(


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